CPO tracking sheet tool - Cycles Beginning AFTER July 1, 2024

I pulled this together to make your (and my wife's) life easier. This is a digital implementation of this document from the CPO as of August 2024. This is provided as-is as a courtesy. If you're looking for a tool for cycles BEFORE July 1, 2024, click here. Learn more about me here and please take some time to check out my latest project, PsychMeter:


I've built a lot of PHIPA compliant websites and tools (invoicing, questionnaires, consent forms, etc.) as well as helped with overall business setup (compliant email and secure cloud storage) for use in a psychology practice. If you think my services could be helpful, feel free to reach out to me! :)

Need help? Have questions? Start here by watching this 5 minute walkthrough of how to use the tool.

Activity Definitions

  • Section A Min. 15 hrs (1 credit/CEU = 1 Hour)
    Professional Interaction and Interdisciplinary Activities

    Activities which facilitate peer interaction, knowledge sharing, and reduce practitioner isolation.
  • Example Activities:
  • Invited speaker sessions or conferences with peer interaction
    In-person or on-line attendance or speaking.
  • Structured professional development meetings
    Typically includes a specified agenda or knowledge/skill outcome; led by employers or third-party organizations.
  • Case conferences
  • Grand rounds
  • Colloquia
  • Providing formal consultation
  • Receiving formal consultation
  • Providing formal supervision
    Typically includes a formal relationship established under a supervision agreement, in which a registrant is supervising the clinical, research, or other professional services of another College registrant, health professional, or student.
  • Receiving formal supervision
    Typically includes a formal relationship established under a supervision agreement, in which you are being supervised by another College registrant or registered health professional, for clinical, research or other professional purposes.
  • General Attendance at professional development programs, courses, workshops or seminars with peer interaction
    Note: programming which included elements of both professional interaction and specific continuing education may be recorded under both Sections A and B. An example of this would be the Barbara Wand Seminars in Professional Ethics, Standards and Conduct when attended with one or more professional colleagues, leading to further discussion of the content. If the programming was completed independently, hours may only be recorded once, under Section B.
  • Peer Assisted Review participation
    Undergoing a Quality Assurance Peer Assisted Review (PAR) or acting as a College Assessor or Peer Nominated Reviewer in the PAR process.
  • Oral Examiner participation for College registration examinations
  • Completion of Mentorship or Coaching programs
    Voluntary or required programs are both applicable.
  • Professional discussion board participation
  • This is not an exhaustive list of professional interaction activity types which registrants may complete. Completion of another activity or event which involved direct peer engagement and enhanced the registrant’s professional practise of psychology or applied behaviour analysis may be counted. Registrants must be able to describe the benefit of any completed CPD activities towards the maintenance of their professional competency, if requested by the College.

  • Section B Min. 15 hrs (1 credit/CEU = 1 Hour)
    Continuing Education, Professional Training and Self-Directed Learning Activities
    Independently completed activities for the maintenance of professional knowledge related to the practice of Psychology and/or ABA.
  • Example Activities:
  • Professional development programs, training courses, workshops or seminars (with or without peer interaction)
    Typically includes a specified agenda, curriculum or learning outcome, with or without formal CE credits. In-person or on-line completion. Programming which was completed independently and did not involve peer interaction or knowledge sharing may only be recorded once, under Section B.
  • Reading professional literature
    E.g., journal articles, books, manuals for new tests or assessment tools, etc.
  • Reviewing new or amended jurisprudence
    E.g., professionally relevant Legislation, Standards, Ethical Codes, etc.
  • Viewing professionally relevant talks, podcasts or other media content
    Independent viewing of live or archived professional media.
  • This is not an exhaustive list of continuing education and training activities which registrants may complete. Completion of another activity or event which involved knowledge development and enhanced the registrant’s professional practise of psychology or applied behaviour analysis may be counted. Registrants must be able to describe the benefit of any completed CPD activities towards the maintenance of their professional competency, if requested by the College.
  • Section C (1 credit/CEU = 1 Hour)
    Additional Professional Development Activities
    Activities which facilitate engagement in a variety of professional development mediums relevant to individual practice expereinces, areas and settings.
  • Example Activities:
  • Preparation for: Delivering workshops, conferences and presentations
    Developing or updating materials with new information for workshops, seminars, or other presentations to be delivered.
  • Preparation for: Teaching or training
    Developing or updating materials with new information to instruct or guest lecture a university or community college level course or practicum, lead an organizational event or presentation, or supervise student research.
  • Professional writing, reviewing and editing
    E.g., scientific papers, book or book chapters, journal articles, decision letters for peer reviewed articles, content for popular media related to professional topics. Note: excludes clinical reports and documentation which would otherwise be prepared during the course of client services.
  • Formal research
    Designing, conducting, collecting or analyzing research data for your own or others’ professional projects.
  • Structured client outcome monitoring
    Administering structured client outcome measures and using the information to plan further intervention.
  • Professional Leadership
    E.g., acting member of a professionally relevant committee, board, association or working group. Including, but not limited to, College committees and Council.
  • College consultations participation
  • Organizational consultation
  • This is not an exhaustive list of other professional development activities which registrants may complete. Completion of another activity or event which was relevant to the development of one’s competence for the professional practise of psychology or applied behaviour analysis may be counted. Registrants must be able to describe the benefit of any completed CPD activities towards the maintenance of their professional competency, if requested by the College.


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